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9 Tips to Help you Survive in Last Oasis

Stealing, fighting, hiding, and navigating the desert are some of the things you have to do to survive in Last Oasis. The world here is brutal; the sun, scorching and burning up regions. You have to keep moving to stand a chance. Your home and vehicle is a walker you must build, equip and protect as several other pirates would kill to have your walker and all the goodies stored in it. You have to be ready to leave a region once the sun’s heat has overrun it. When this happens, taking your walker(s) with you would save you time and resources in the new territory. All these challenges are what you’ll have to overcome if you must progress. If surviving is on your plan, you want to stick to this article as you’ll see actionable tips that can prolong your life.

1. The More Your Team Members, the Higher Your Chances

When it comes to the last oasis, more is not less; more is more. Larger teams will more than likely overpower smaller teams or a solo survivor. So if surviving for longer is top of your priority, enter the game with your friends and form a bigger traveling party. This way, you can defend yourself better from pirates and even launch your successful attacks on other pirates and rupus.

2. Choose an Area with Lots of Vegetation When constructing Your Walker

When starting the game, you’ll have to construct a walker to aid your movement. Building a walker is no easy task as you may spend hours just picking up materials you will need. Constructing an open area can leave your construction materials or even the completed walker open to pirate looting. Choose an area with plenty of vegetation that can hide your materials while you build.

3. Find Food and Water Quick

Do not wait till your energy is depleted before you find food. Scout for food and water and store them in your walker for when you need them. You may go stretches without finding new stashes, so use your loot carefully. Food and water are in limited supply due to the terrain and other players struggling for them. You can also attack other walkers and steal the food in them.

4. Purchase Armor and Weapons as Soon as Possible

You’ll get into a fight sooner rather than later, do not wait for one before you realize you need armor to protect you or weapons from fighting back. As soon as you can afford it, get yourself some armor and weapons. You won’t survive long in the last oasis without them.

5. Avoid Popular Routes

To survive for longer in the last oasis, avoid as many fights as possible. Not only do they drain your energy and deplete your armor, but they also increase your chances of dying. One way to survive is by keeping away from popular routes where you’re likely to meet many pirates.

6. Explore the Cradle

For beginners who are just playing the game for the first time, the cradle area has a lot to teach you. Take your time there! This is more like your first test but with lots of guides. Do not be quick to leave this area. Go through all the tutorials to get the hang of the game.

7. Get a Hidden Chest

Looting is the order of the day in last oasis, and if you don’t want to get stranded, you must have a hidden chest to store some of your loot away from where other pirates can find it. This loot would help when you’re out of resources or have been looted.

8. Raid Rupus

These creatures look like monkeys but with varying strength levels. If you’re in a clan, you can raid a full rupu village and steal their supplies plus get resources for killing them. Bear in mind they’re not going to be easy kills, but it is achievable in a big clan.

9. Unlock the Essentials Early

Try to unlock the game’s essential tools early enough, as some of them may be the difference between you staying alive and dead. The torch is one important tool you need, especially at night or during an eclipse. This is especially important when raiding a rupu village as they can see in the dark.


Use cheats when it becomes so difficult for you to survive for long without dying. You can see some vital cheats and aimbot here

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