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Android Market hits 20,000 Apps

The Android Platform is growing, so is it’s App Market. As per the latest news from AndroLib, the Market now features 20,000 apps.

Less than 6 months ago, the apps were 10,000 in number. The continuous interest and revolution of Android 2.0, Motorola Droid, made these number possible.

On an interesting note, the trend for Games follow exactly the one for Apple App Store – Games occupy 15 percent of all apps.

Looking at the downloads trend, 30 percent of apps are almost dead(few downloads). Hardly 20-40 % of apps have been very popular and downloaded more than 2,50,000 times.

We hope to see more Apps and steeper curve of the no. of apps, as 2010 is going to be a year of android with 50+ new Android phones launching. And who can forget Google’s Nexus One. Let’s see how well it does

Google Nexus One vs. iPhone [3GS]

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