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GMail went Down But IMAP Works, Twitter Over Capacity

GMail, and other Google products had removed BETA, which implies they are meant to be reliable. But, as I write this, GMail is down since more than  40 minutes. Though, the good news is — The IMAP version still works.

UPDATE: Gmail is back up and running. With a Total down time exceeding an Hour.

I see, people panicking on Twitter. GMail being down, puts Twitter going down into perspective.

Every single second GMail goes down, I stop breathing. It’s so hard to live without GMail.
This is what you get — 502 Error.

Twitter users are sending 1000s of Tweets on GMail, I belive even Twitter could go down. A simple search gives 1000s new results on every refresh

It shouldn’t be a BIG problem on Google’s side of things since POP/IMAP mail still works. Right now I’m using it on iPhone, it’s working pretty normal. And it happened, Twitter went Over capacity several times already.

I’m off to oxygen masks.

UPDATE: Google Responds

We’re aware that people are having trouble accessing Gmail. We’re working on fixing it. Apologies for the inconvenience

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