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Google Anti-Content-Farm Spam Algorithm Live

Content Farms have been considered one of the biggest challenges for the Google search. There were a large number of pointers that raised fingers on Google and its spam fighting techniques. But seems like Google has been listening and made the final algorithm change to discourage Content Fram’s & low quality blogs.

I had been watching the buzz about “traffic reduction on content farms and various blogs” on twitter from various blog/forum owners. The official word comes from Google’s Anti-spam team’s head, Matt Cutts. If you are interested about reading the impacts of this change, checkout the discussion on Hacker news.

Apart from that, WebmasterWorld thread has a bunch of SEOs and Webmasters complaining about a recent and significant drop in traffic from Google. These reports all come from webmasters who have had stable rankings in Google and stable traffic from Google for years.

One of the commentor quoted:

Matt, I just went through my search history because i remembered a very specific instance of seeing this. Here’s the query.…

You’ll notice that shows on the first page with content taken directly from stackoverflow. While stackoverflow does show in the results, the exact page that efreedom copies does not. Anyway, I’m glad you guys are taking this seriously.

Another person said everything was doing great and then January 26th came “at exactly 3:30pm CST. It’s as if the switch was turned off again, ” he said. And another webmaster said the same thing, “We have lost 40-60% traffic in several sites, all same time yesterday. Very frustrating and to see server idle now.”

What’s New in Google Search Algorithm
The new Google Search algorithm would bring down spam levels even lower, including sites that copy others’ content and sites with low levels of original content.”

The net result? Google users would now see the original content rather than a site that copied the original site’s content. Now that’s what we are talking about.

p.s. we had been observing continuous increase in traffic (15% increase in January, 20% increase in last day), seems like some of the copied blog that ranked better than us went off the search.

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