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How Endpoint Security can Protect Your Hotel’s Network

Protecting your hotel guests in a physical capacity is no longer the only crucial safeguarding task that you face. Thanks to the rise of Internet technology and the subsequent rise of cybercriminals, you also need to protect them in a virtual sense. More to the point, you need to shore up your hotel network to ensure that your important customer data isn’t intercepted and extorted by a hacker.

If you’re to keep your hotel’s network safe in this day and age, you’re going to need to do more than purchase a traditional antivirus software and strengthen your passwords. To truly stand a chance of safeguarding your network, you must invest in endpoint protection.

To find out how this specific security solution can be used to protect your hotel’s network, be sure to read on.

Detection of threats

To stand a chance of deterring cybercrime, you need to detect it as early on as you possibly can. Fortunately, endpoint security can help you to do just that. It uses machine-learning classification to detect zero-day threats in real time which, in layman’s terms, means it is capable of unearthing virus and trojan problems before they even become a problem.

Protection over multiple devices

You won’t use just one or two devices in your bid to keep your hotel running in ship-shape condition. You’ll make use of a plethora of tools and pieces of software every day to ensure that your hospitality operation runs smoothly.

With an endpoint security solution in place, you will be able to deter network attacks across the board and this is largely because these security devices use anti-malware protection that is advanced enough to protect, detect, and correct malware across a host of different operating systems.

Safe browsing on the web

The Internet will be accessed within your hotel each and every day by near enough everybody that steps foot inside the doors. Your guests will access the web on their smartphones to research attractions in the local area, your reception staff will search the web to find out what room prices your competitors are setting, and your culinary team will browse the web to find new food suppliers and vendors.

To ensure that everybody remains safe when they are browsing the web while connected to your WiFi, you need to make Internet safety a priority. As you may have already guessed, endpoint security can help you to do just that. Specifically, McAfee endpoint security can assist you when it comes to this all-important task. As stated at, their specific endpoint protection offers proactive web security as standard to ensure safe web-browsing across the board.

If you want to protect your hotel’s network, then you need to be investing in endpoint protection. This security solution will detect threats with ease, offer you protection over multiple devices and systems, and make it safe for people to browse the web while they spend time in your premises.

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