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Mac OS X Lion borrows Features from iPhone, iPad [iOS]

Apple announces preview of its next Mac OS X : Lion.

Apple built iOS by extracting features from Mac OS X, refined them for mobile devices. And its time to go “back to the mac”, all the things apple had learnt from mobiles, iPads, is now back to the mac.

“Desktop meets the mobile” – Lion is all about uniting iOS with desktop with apps, multitouch & everything!

The most successful parts of iOS, like the App Store—with automatic installation of applications—and the springboard—rechristened launchpad in Lion.

Apple is also introducing new user interface elements, like Mission Control – One stop shop to switch Apps, launch apps, swipe screens and much more.

Lets go through new Features of Mac OS X Lion:

1. FullScreen apps:
All apps can now go fullscreen, and since you no longer have to bother about the dock, switching is swift using MissionControl. May be incomplete till you hear the full story.

2. Mac App Store

Mac will now get one click download & install apps via Mac App Store with the same policies as iOS app store.

3. LaunchPad
Launchpad works exactly like in the iPad, shows all the applications installed in your computer, which are managed by the App Store, with multiple pages to navigate using gestures.

4. Mission Control
Mission Control is actually a new Exposé, integrating the dock and views from all open apps, both windowed and full screen. You can be just anywhere and with a gesture on mouse, Mission control overlays and helps you switch as, screens, swipe across screens (like iOS) and more.

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