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New Google Search: Caffeine

Google has continued to improve search relevancy by improving quality to it’s users. The endeavour continues with it’s new Search engine “Caffeine”. As one may expect, it brings no UI updates but brings some unique and useful features to improve overall quality of results.

Back in August when they previewed the new search on a sandbox, we got handson and detailed out the new features.

What’s New in Google Caffeine Search

Here’s the text of Google‘s “error” page for Caffeine, as of this morning:

Based on the success we’ve seen, we believe Caffeine is ready for a larger audience. Soon we will activate Caffeine more widely, beginning with one data center. This sandbox is no longer necessary and has been retired, but we appreciate the testing and positive input that webmasters and publishers have given.

Here are the improvements in brief:

  1. Improved Relevancy
  2. Twitter Integration (highly probable)
  3. Faster News updates
  4. Search auto-complete interface has improved.
  5. Realted searches
  6. Reltime/Faster
  7. Now indexes more sites.
  8. Less Spam
  9. Faster

Head over to Detailed article: What’s New in Google Caffeine Search, the answer to Bing!

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