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How to Optimize Windows 7 for Tablets

Microsoft demoed Windows 8, a tablet friendly OS designed to work on range of devices of different form factors. But what most of us don’t know about is that even Windows 7 can be tweaked to be more tablet friendly, atleast for the meantime as we wait for Windows 8.

Windows tablet fan Justin Campana found a couple of  apps and tweaks that can be combined with a few custom scripts to make the Windows 7 touch experience much more appealing.

He describes in detail which all docks, widgets, scripts, and applications he used to create a better Windows 7 Tablet experience, which had been dull and boring. He used a variety of software such as ObjectDock, Fences and Rainmeter along with a bunch of tweaks to make Windows 7 look like it was born for tablets.

The tablet used here to demo the optimizations is a ASUS’ 12-inch Eee Slate EP121. Watch the video after a break and get modding:

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