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PS3 Hacked to allow Linux OS, Pirated Games

PS3 has been hacked multiple times, and Sony has been fixing it, and what they did was penalized the hack by removing  3rd party OS installation, or Linux installation in simpler words.

PSJailbreak Exploit worked great hack and actually made pirated games possible because Hypervisor allows unsigned code to run on PS3.

It has now been Hacked again, this time to Enable Linux Installation, and even Play pirated games on PS3 & PS3 Slim. The good work was announced today at 27C3 congress by a group called fail0verflow which would make it possible to Install Full Linux OS (with 3d) and Pirated Games on Linux.

The first few minutes of the conference were spent explaining the state of security on other consoles (Wii, 360, etc). Following this, the group went on to explain the current state of affairs on the PS3. First, explaining Geohot’s memory line glitching exploit from earlier this year. The team then went on to explain the current PS3 security bypasses, such as jailbreaking and service mode/downgrading.

Approximately a half hour in, the team revealed their new PS3 secrets, the moment we all were waiting for. One of the major highlights here was, dongle-less jailbreaking by overwriting the bootup NOR flash, giving complete control over the system. The other major feat, was calculating the public private keys (due to botched security), giving users the ability to sign their own SELFs Following this, the team declared Sony’s security to be “EPIC FAIL”! Even though it took decade to break this security.

The recent advent of these new exploits means current firmware is vulnerable, v3.55 and possibly beyond. It will be very difficult for Sony to fix the described exploits.

The team then displayed the website, where we assume they will host examples of the new exploits and further details. They stated, that easy to use tools would be coming next month.

Download Presentation PPT: 1780_27c3_console_hacking_2010.rar (1.43 MB)

Here is a video that actually explains the indepth details of How PS3 Hacks have worked in the past, and what’s the new fail0verflow Hack is about.

Stay tuned to this article and we will be updating it as more info is available.

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