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Stabilize handheld Videos, Boost Contrast, Saturation, Light using Youtube

Do you feel that the video you took from your mobile or handheld camera was way too shaky? Was your video missing the right Contrast, color saturation and lighting? Do you want to combine multiple videos and Trim others? YouTube can help you!

Youtube had rolled out a number of editing features last year that let you trim, drag n drop videos, add custom music. All of those features were available in TestTube. And now YouTube offers more in the new Youtube Editor.

Youtube Editor allows for the editing of all videos which haven’t yet managed to gain 1,000 views, which is the vast majority. Those which have become popular will be left intact, with a new post-edit video uploaded alongside it. You can now stabilize handheld footage, rotate a video, and boost the contrast, colors, and lighting. Clicking Google favorite ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ will do the final three things in one.

Video Editing features at a glance:

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