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How to Unban PSN account

playstation-networkSo you got your PSN account Banned due to some unethical activity? No problem, you can quickly re-activate your access by following this guide.

How to UnBan PSN account

This is bound to work for accounts for which the PSN errors out with error number 8002A227.

Downloads: PS3DNS-GUI and PSID.

  1. Run PS3DNS-GUI and choose your IP and region.
  2. Go to Tools – Rewrite – PS3DNS – eth0 – Rules – Add
  3. Enter every field just as it is in the image below. The part that says ‘original console ID’ will need the ID from the banned machine, No spaces!
  4. Change the last digit of your ID to 1.
  5. Hit OK.
  6. On your PS3 and in your network settings, enter your DNS as your PC’s IP. Turn on Proxy and enter your PCs IP as the Host and 8888 in Port.
  7. Try to log in to PSN – you should sign in fine.
  8. Open PSID and click Square. This changes your console ID to a random one.
  9. You should now be able to enter the PSN Store.
  10. Confirm that you have your original console ID in PSID.

Note: Playstation Home doesn’t work with this method, I am working in getting it work.

If you encounter any problems please do visit the PS3Hax post – checkout the comments section over there.

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