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What Apple Copied from WebOS, Android, WP8, BB10 in iOS 7

iOS 7 is out and everyone knows Apple had been working really hard trying to compete with everyone from Android, HP Palm WebOS, Windows Phone 8. In the process, they copied hell a lot of features, shamelessly.

Watch iOS 7 Features video before you can understand what was copied from what:

Lets go over all the features, UI elements that iOS 7 copied from other Systems:

Multitasking / Task Switcher – Copied from WebOS

This comes from good old amazing Palm WebOS that was built for perfection but never payed off in the market. Apple took full advantage of it by copying every aspect of the task switcher. The horizontal carousel of apps with icons was so nicely done in WebOS.

Mail – Copied from Gmail, Mailbox app

Swipe to archive, delete has been inspired by Gmail and Mailbox app on iOS

Mailbox app (App Store)

Calendar – Copied from Sunrise

The new Calendar app now has a default view, top representing default view, and at bottom current events that matter to you. Choose a detail view for a later data, and the whole UI looks a lot like Sunrise app.

iTunes Radio concept is inspired by none other but Radio king Pandora.

Back Navigation – Copied from BlackBerry OS  10

iOS never had back button from Android. They got around the problem by copying BB10’s swipe from left of the screen to go back.

Notification Center / Toggles – Copied from Android, Samsung TouchWhiz

Notifications and Toggles have been improved a lot and learn even more from Android.


Lock Screen – Copied form Android, WP8

Lock screen looks very familiar, its has android like circles in the wallpaper and WP8 like unlocking gesture.

3D Perspective wallpaper – Copied from Cydia tweak 3D board

The new 3d perspective wallpaper that changes wallpaper perspective as you move the device comes from popular Cydia tweak called  3D board.

This also exists on Android as app called 3d image live wallpaper

Safari Tabs – Copied from Chrome Android

More copies from Android:

iOS 7 looks like a blend of Android Holo Light with MIUI icons, that flat card inspired interface is a great way to traverse your way through what your phone has to offer.

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