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WordPress 2.9 Features

WordPress, the blogging choice platform for Millions that serves billions is here with the latest upgrade. WordPress 2.9 features a bunch of new attractive stuff that add more convenience for the bloggers:

The most important ones:

  1. Global undo/”trash” feature: If you accidentally delete a post or comment you can bring it back.
  2. Built-in Image editor: Say goodbye to offline editing and then uploading images. The new builting editor crops, edits, rotates, flips, and scales them in a snap!
  3. Batch Plugin Update: No more individual plugin compatibilitiy checking/ upgrading. One click and all are done.
  4. Better Video Embedding Any URL from YouTube, Daily Motion,, Flickr, Hulu, Viddler, Qik, Revision3, Scribd, Google Video, Photobucket, PollDaddy, and are automatically changed to appropriate Embed code.
  5. Better SEO:

    Specify category templates not just by ID, like before, but by slug, which will make it easier for theme developers to do custom things with categories — like post types!

  6. Automatic database optimization support: Enabled by adding
    define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);




  7. Themes now can register Post Thumbnails (Like DZone)
  8. Upgraded TinyMCE WYSIWYG editing and Simplepie.
  9. Better hooks and filters for excerpts, smilies, HTTP requests, user profiles, author links, taxonomies, SSL support, tag clouds, query_posts and WP_Query

There’s more, you can check them on the official blog.

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