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WordPress gets Realtime PuSH

Good news comes for 10.5 Million blogs and billions self-hosted blogs. Now, all WordPress blogs get Real-Time PuSH.

PuSH basically is an acronym for the tongue twister PubSubHubbub network. PuSH is a way for services that subscribe to updates from your blog (All RSS services like Google Reader, Netvibes, etc) to get realtime updates.

So what we achieve by this is that instead of polling periodically on blog, Blog itself pushes an event that a blog post has been updated. The updates and New posts equally fall under this. These updates take max 2-3 seconds as compared to several minutes with native RSS.

What is it? An open, simple, web-scale pubsub protocol, along with an open source reference implentation targetting Google App Engine. Notably, however, hosted on Google App Engine.

The good part: There’s nothing to configure, it’s working right now for users and self-hosted blogs need a simple Plugin: PuSHPress. Just unzip, upload and activate, you are real-time.

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