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World’s Greenest SuperComputer

Perhaps, there is a plan to make green data centers using mobile processors based on ARM architecture. But as of today, Greenest supercomputer is based ona  custom Intel setup that uses minimal plastic, carbon, cooling products, to give out a very Eco-friendly datacenter.

This supercomputer named Grape-DR, resides in the Department of Information Science at the University of Tokyo. On the specs side it has 64 Intel Core i7-920 processors and an accelerator chip that can achieve 200 gigaflops with a lightbulb’s worth of power.

The power consumption is freaking low, and that’s why they Top the Little Green500 List of energy-efficient supercomputers, achieving 815.43 MFLOPS per Watt which now outperforms IBM’s located in Germany, capable of 773.38 MFLOPS per Watt.

As one could figure out, the Grape-DR supercomputer, in addition to be the greenest is apparently also the messiest of all. It pairs its 64 Core i7 processors with four Grape-DR accelerator chips, each of which consumes only 50 Watts of power giving out 200 GFLOPS of processing power. All together the chips improve the efficiency of the supercomputer as high as 5x Times. Being the greenest does not mean fastest— Its peak performance is 23.4 TFLOPS, putting it way behind even the 500th in the list. But that’s fine, Mother nature loves it ore than any other.

via Ubergizmo

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