Best Java Decompiler

Reverse engineering is becomes a necessity every now and then. When it comes to java decompilation, there are several available in the wild that do it pretty well but the problem: Most of them are either paid or non-gui based with little IDE integration.

Till recently, I was using DJ decompiler, which is just a GUI on top of the jad command line utility.

But here comes a new Java decompiler which might kick off others from the competition: JD. Available both as native client (exe) and Eclipse plugin. I tried both of them, and I must admit, it’s pretty neat.

The native client has no dependencies decompiles Java classes out of the box with inbuilt Type searches, browsing much like eclipse does.

Main Features:

* Written in C++. This allows an extremely fast decompilation and a display.
* Doesn’t need Java runtime environment for its functioning, hence works out of the box.
* JD-Core works with most compilers: jdk1.1.8, jdk1.3.1, jdk1.4.2, jdk1.5.0, jdk1.6.0, jikes-1.22, harmony-jdk-r533500, jrockit90_150_06 and more.
Supports most JDK 5 features

GD Star Rating
GD Star Rating
Best Java Decompiler, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

2 thoughts on “Best Java Decompiler”

  1. Hi,
    DJ Java Decompiler is suitable for studying JAVA bytecode. DJ Java Decompiler enables users to save, print, edit and compile the generated java code.Wonderful….

    GD Star Rating
    GD Star Rating

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