Run your Own Twitter Clone

Twitter created a revolution no one can avoid being part of. The Idea which looked initially to be a vague one came out to be a superpower in Social Networking.

Now, a startup open source project called They are offering two solutions:

  1. Hosted solution. (takes time to activate)
  2. Open Source download

I went ahead and tried the second one. The code is written in PHP and MySQL and is  fairly easy to install, took couple of seconds. And this is the result: DEMO

The application looks fairly looks like Twitter feature wise. You can give it a try by signing-up there.

Let us know what you think.

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3 thoughts on “Run your Own Twitter Clone”

  1. your blog is awsome and I liked your about section where you have written about your tech journey in details.
    why don't you write something about your networking, security, OS knowledge….


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    GD Star Rating
    a WordPress rating system
  2. Hi,
    You are an excellent writter. I read the third post of your blog and it is just fantastic to read it as others. Good on you.
    I like all of your blogs and your are excellent writer..

    GD Star Rating
    a WordPress rating system
    GD Star Rating
    a WordPress rating system
  3. Hi,
    You are an excellent writter. I read the third post of your blog and it is just fantastic to read it as others. Good on you.
    I like all of your blogs and your are excellent writer..

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    a WordPress rating system
    GD Star Rating
    a WordPress rating system

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