Translate Languages using Siri in Real Time

Google Translate does a nifty job at translating one language to another as we type. Google Translate on Android and iPhone makes it even better by translating any conversation. Perhaps, Siri takes it to another level.

Lingual for iPhone 4S  offers functionality based on Siri tweak. Lingual would leverage the latest AssistantExtensions mod, allowing users to dictate a word or phrase to Siri and request real time translation in one of the 35 supported languages. As of now, AssistantExtensions is available via Cydia for free. Developers can write plugins to hook into the Extension tweak, and Lingual has done exactly that.

Of course you need to have your iPhone 4s jailbroken on iOS 5.0.x and AssistantExtensions installed.

How to use Siri to Translate Languages.

Install AssistantExtensions, then Linugal from cydia. Then onwards Siri would understand all your Translate requests.

Translation commands would go like “translate [phrase] to [language]” or “what is [phrase] in [language]” and Siri will respond instantaneously with the required translation. It is indeed a blessing for anyone travelling abroad or trying to learn a foreign language. Try it out, watch the video below after a break:

Note: Lingual will be available in the coming days on Cydia. we’ll notify you as soon as it is available, subscribe below:

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1 thought on “Translate Languages using Siri in Real Time”

  1. I think most would agreed that aside from a few niggling issues, the advanced personal assistant from Apple definitely sets the iPhone 4S apart from other devices in the same class range.

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